A Scalable Payment App

The Product

Having all teams both in Argentina and Chile, separated in several groups of infrastructure levels (from backend to frontend), created a challenge to be aligned with every part of the project on both communication, development requirements and stability.

The Takeaways

  1. It was really necessary to define, from the kick-off, the structure and requirements of the project and the repository to avoid having refactors or abrupt changes in the near future.

  2. For that, setting the bar of 80% of code coverage with automatised testing gave the team and the app itself several benefits; from faster development by relying on the code, to foreseen potential bugs ahead of time.

  3. And also, it was possible to build up, for example, a delivery flow in Bitrise that could compile several versions of the app to different places in both iOS and Android with just minimum effort.

Project summary

3 Full-Stack Developers1 QA Analyst1 Project Manager
9 months
Source code, Builds in App Store Connect & Play Store
Project type
Mobile App
Applied methodologies
Frontend implementation, QA