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Habit Planner & Student Companion App

Udacity is an e-learning platform that teaches the most sought-after skills in today’s tech industry, helping young professionals find new and exciting opportunities. They wanted to create a tool that helped students forge healthy studying habits with a reward-based system focused on building motivation through ‘Nanodegrees.’


Help & Motivate

Rather than focusing on distant, complex objectives, we centered the process around bite-sized steps that would eventually add up to reaching the original goal. The whole experience was built as a way to minimize anxiety, supporting students through gentle reminders and motivational nudges along the way.


Tailored experience

We wanted the app to adjust to the student’s needs and personalities, so we let them fine-tune how Udacity works by choosing one of four profiles, according to their routines and usual availability.



We adapted the brand identity to fit to the guidelines of Material Design, as well as those defined by Udacity itself. We created a whole new visual system that included original icons, logos, and illustrations, paired with a custom color palette and a very specific style of copywriting.